Peace Camp
Peace Camp


Peace Camp ceramic poetry competition


MaK has formed a new and exciting partnership with the Institute for Youth Research (IKR), a non-governmental organization, founded and run by Kosovar youth between the ages of 15 to 18. IKR aims to address youth related issues through fun and innovative means, such as debates, lectures, film nights, team building games, workshops, etc. Some of the issues the organization focuses on are children’s rights, European integration, peace building, research and analysis, and athletics.

Through the time, commitment, effort and skills of IKR members the MaK IT project and MaK summer schools and runs are made possible.

IKR volunteers form MaK’s IT back up team in Kosova, making sure that our school suites are fully functioning at all times.

In 2011 IKR invited MaK to co-lead a Peace Camp for 15 – 17 year old young people. MaK led a ceramic poetry competition including an introduction to the sonnet form, built a wood fired kiln, and also introduced collaboration with World at Play at the end of their Balkans tour.


Peace (Pëllumb Stublla, aged 16)

There is something that needs doing                                                                                                     

that hasn’t yet been done.

Something we are seeking                                                                                                                         

for which we should fight.

All we are aiming for is to build peace

Peace is a song on the air,

a children’s game on the green grass.

Peace is a word of love universal to all

Peace is all we are looking for                                                                                                                  

Peace is all we want


Stop the war all over the world

So everyone can live happily in peace.



MaK is a registered charity in England and Wales (Registered Charity No.1087178)
MaK is the working name of Manchester Aid to Kosovo (also known as MAK)
Designed by Jehona Bogujevci Graphic Designer, Manchester
Made by Rachael Kearney Web Designer, Manchester