IT Projects
IT Projects

School Installation team, 2010

A year’s worth of planning, immense generosity of goods and money, lots of hard work, strong support and great teamwork resulted in successfully equipping 3 secondary schools, 2 primary schools and a rehabilitation centre for disabled people in Podujeva, Kosovo with computers.

British, Canadian and Kosovar volunteers pulled together to acquire donations, transport the 120 donated PCs to Podujeva and setup 6 IT suites. Route planning and packing the donated vans in Oxford, UK was just the start of the journey. Run-ins with Italian and Kosovar border customs thickened the plot. Lots of lifting and carrying, frequent power cuts, collaborating with the Podujevo Municipality, teachers who volunteered as electricians, Kosovar youth who worked diligently on the setup team, 27 teachers who voluntarily attended training in Basic PC Maintenance and Programming, a Kosovo vs. England football match, and a day tour of the beautiful countryside, all set the stage for this epic MaK adventure.

Without the generous support of donors from across the UK this project would not have become a reality. We would like to sincerely thank you for believing in the cause, and making it possible.  Your generosity will have an impact on approximately 10,000 students and 900 disabled citizens in one academic year alone.

In 2012 an extended second educational project built on the early achievements of the programme equipping 5 additional schools. MaK researched an e-health project aiming to improve the health of the the citizens of Podujeva. This project was extended in 2015, resourcing, in total, 15 schools and Handikos.

MaK is looking forward to continue working with their supporters and the citizens of Podujeva to increase interest and access to education in Kosovo.

“Just wanted to tell you that the IT project went so good and it was a real success. I thank all the donors that made possible this project because it is something that will really help us and all the students to get better in Informatics. Until now the conditions in the Computer Rooms were not good. Now I will be proud to learn in a computer room which I helped to build.” Liridon Islami, 16 year old computer student and MAK volunteer, Podujeva,  Kosovo. June 2010

Liridon has gone on to lead the MaK IT team in Kosovo, see below.

MaK is extremely grateful to our donors, particularly MoneyPlus, Manchester and Computers for Charities.


Republika e Kosovës / Republika Kosova / Republic of Kosova

Komuna e Podujevës / Opština Podujevo / Municipality of Podujeva

SH.F.&M.U. “E Re”

DATA: 12.01.2015



OJQ-së MAK nga Mançesteri i Anglisë

Në emër të 1150 nxënësve,57 mësimëdhënësve si dhe prindërve, kam nderin t’ju shpreh falënderimet nga zemra për kontributin e çmuar në pajisjen e kabinetit të infomatikës me kompjuter, të cilin e shfrytëzojnë 510 nxënës.

Mendojmë që nuk ka investim më të qëlluar se sa të investosh në ardhmërinë e nxënësve. Ky investim paraqet një hap konkret drejt një praktike për një mësim bashkohor me standarde evropiane. Kjo është edhe një dhuratë nga e cila nxënësit përfitojnë një mundësi  për arritjen e objektivave të reja.

Një falenderim të veqant meriton edhe Liridon Islami, për angazhimin përmanent në akomodimin e pajisjeve përcjellëse në lokalin përkatës të shkollës.

Gjithmonë do të jëmi mirënjohës dhe falënderues!

Zoti ju ndihmoftë!

Me respekt:

Drejtori, Selman HOTI

MaK is a registered charity in England and Wales (Registered Charity No.1087178)
MaK is the working name of Manchester Aid to Kosovo (also known as MAK)
Designed by Jehona Bogujevci Graphic Designer, Manchester
Made by Rachael Kearney Web Designer, Manchester