

On March 28th 2009 the Manchester Peace Park, Podujeva, Kosovo was dedicated to the memory of those killed 10 years earlier in the massacre of the Bogujevci and Duriqi families. Over 40 people travelled out from the UK from MaK to support survivors in the two families and to express their commitment to the creation of the Peace Park. A team from the Humanitarian Law Centre, Belgrade joined us. Learn more here.

The participants from the UK included surviving family members, a British army surgeon, a former head teacher, a landscape architect, artists, musicians, film makers, journalists, lecturers, curators, youth workers, students and MaK leaders. Whilst honouring the dead, ’10′, the title of the 10th anniversary event, celebrated life and beauty. Through music, art and planting, and by standing together in unity, the whole town was uplifted and filled with hope for the future. It was a milestone on a long and challenging path – a continuing journey.

In 2009 the words below were shared in a personal, reflective act of dedication. They are repeated at the conclusion of our annual Children’s Club in Podujeva each summer. At first weighted with loss and sadness, the interpretation of these words is changing. Now the children laugh, cheer and respond with whoops of glee.

The Peace Park has become an oasis of joy.


AN ACT OF DEDICATION  for the Manchester Peace Park 28/3/2009

In this place

may trees and flowers bloom

and peace and tranquillity reign in every heart.

In this place

may children play and laughter fill the air.

In this place

may there be safety, security and hope.


May the cries and anguish

of past years be stilled.

May the cruel noise of battle

be silenced

and the painful, poisoned memories of the past

be purified and removed.


May our desire be fulfilled

for this park to be

an oasis of joy.


Here may beauty displace ugliness.

May curses be transformed into blessings.

May it be a park of dreams

a place of dancing

a place of rest

a place of recreation.


We commit this space

to be a sign of hope to all,

where all can come together as friends.


We dedicate this park

to all who yearn for peace

in every land

to all who yearn for an end

to hating and hurting,

brokenness and violence.


We dedicate this park

to all with a vision of a world

without sorrow and suffering

without hurting and hopelessness.


May there be an explosion of joy

and human happiness in this place.

May we walk together hand in hand

knowing our great value

and celebrating our common humanity.                       Dennis Wrigley, chair of MaK 1999 – 2000




MaK is a registered charity in England and Wales (Registered Charity No.1087178)
MaK is the working name of Manchester Aid to Kosovo (also known as MAK)
Designed by Jehona Bogujevci Graphic Designer, Manchester
Made by Rachael Kearney Web Designer, Manchester