Installations in Manchester Peace Park
Installations in Manchester Peace Park

2008 –  Nine art flags, ‘Orpheo’ created by Lucy Birbeck based on a design by local schoolgirl Jasminë Blakçori inspired by a 5th century mosaic in Podujeva

Orfeo mosaic, Podujeva  Flag design by 13 year old Podujeva schoolgirl  Art Flags based on Orfeo mosaic, Blakçori / Lucy Birbeck


2009 – First cast sculpture, ‘Thinking Man’ created by Agron Blakcori

2009 – Peace Banner collaborative project involving Kosova, Serbia and the UK, led by pArticpate artists, Stephen and Matt Raw

peace banner Podujeva town square


2010 – Bronze Memorial plaque and flowers created by Mike Anitt

The Travelling Band with Saranda Bogujevci -Manchester Peace Park Dedication 28.3.09  Bronze flowers and dedication plaque 2009

2011 – Entrance Mosaic  ‘Parku i Paqes, Peace Park’ created by Lucy Birbeck with Valmir Gashi

2011 – Ceramic Poem ‘Peace’ by Pëllumb Stublla project led by Matt and Stephen Raw with Naomi Hamill and IKR

 Ceramic Poem installation

2012 – Murals by David Shillinglaw Podujeva hospital wall (with the artist), and disused steam train reservoir  




MaK is a registered charity in England and Wales (Registered Charity No.1087178)
MaK is the working name of Manchester Aid to Kosovo (also known as MAK)
Designed by Jehona Bogujevci Graphic Designer, Manchester
Made by Rachael Kearney Web Designer, Manchester