Our Diary
Great Manchester Run 2019

Sunday 19th May    Manchester City Centre 

Half marathon and 10K

MaK invites sponsored runners and also volunteers to help run the finish line water station and MaK stage.

Please contact a MaK leader or info@makonline.org

Luljeta Rugova Shala comes second in the GMR half marathon 2018


Summer Club 2019

 Summer Club 2019 theme is The Oceans.

July 29th to August 9th         All children aged 5-12 welcome 

MaK’s third tennis camp will be held during Summer Club.  

Week 1 will be held on the Manchester Peace Park, Podujevë.


Memorial Visit

March 24-April 1 2019. MaK members will visit Kosovo to participate in a 20 year Memorial event.

The Manchester Peace Park will be re-dedicated on 28/3/19 at 13:00. All welcome. 

Voices of Kosovo in Manchester (MaK exhibition) will be installed at the National Library of Kosovo in Prishtina at 14:00 followed by a presentation and discussion on the subject of Memorials. All welcome. 

Great Manchester Run 2016

This Sunday, 25 runners from MaK will set out to complete the Great Manchester Run. The course snakes through the streets of Manchester, along the Salford quays past Old Trafford and back up to Deansgate, with over 50,000 runners completing the course each year. Alongside our UK based runners, Luljete Shala will be flying in from Kosovo to take part in the elite women’s race.

Our runners are running to raise funds towards the maintenance of the Peace Park and in particular supporting our gardeners wages for working on the peace park. Our gardeners Rexhap and Jacob have worked on the peace park for the last ten years having been involved since the beginning.

MaK will run the live music at a stage net to Oast House and also greet the runners at the end of the course, distributing water and t-shirts. Live music has been curated by Jo Dudderidge of traveling band and will feature a number of highly talented local bands.

Anyone who would like to donate, please check our Facebook page. If you are in Manchester this weekend please come and visit the stage and learn more about what we do.

– See more at: http://makonline.org/newsarticles/great-manchester-run-2016/#sthash.JaDcT1bl.dpuf

Kosovars in Manchester Exhibition

g2 image

Voices of Kosovo in Manchester

People’s History Museum

25 April 15 – 19 July 15

Time 10:00 – 17:00

Hear the personal stories of an unprecedented British evacuation programme.

In 1999 the most serious humanitarian crisis in Europe since World War II erupted in the Balkans.  Kosovar ethnic Albanians were airlifted to Manchester in an unprecedented British evacuation programme.

Hear personal stories of a community fleeing from ethnic cleansing, their arrival in the UK, and the impact it had on both the people of Manchester and those who arrived as refugees.

A Manchester Aid to Kosovo (MaK) project, exhibition curated by James Walmsley.

Suitable for adults and young people

Presented with the support of the Heritage Lottery Fund.

BUPA Great Manchester Run Sunday 26th May 2013

Every year we have runners raising money and awareness for MaK. 

If you want to run for us this year, please get in touch to register.


2013 Summer Club dates

Interested in volunteering at the Children’s Summer Club in Podujeva?

Flight dates – 30th July – 13th August

Please contact us if you are interested in taking part this year. Flights get booked up quickly so act now to reserve your flight and place on the team!


20th June 2012 Tawse gig

Tawse gig with special guest J.P. Cooper

Winner of the recording at Blueprint studios in Manchester.


The Castle Hotel, 66 Oldham Street, Manchester, M4 1LE

7th – 20th August 2012 Children’s Summer Club

MaK runs a children’s summer club for children in the Podujevë area every year. All children are welcome. Led by experienced teachers, the summer club involves a team of volunteers often from the UK, U.S.A., Canada and Kosova. In 2009 we reached 80 children – in 2011 we reached over 500.

20th May 2012 Great Manchester Run

The annual Bupa Great Run is a major source of income for MaK’s work in Kosovo. The MaK Running team can be sponsored via Just Giving giving the reference RUN. As well as a team of 25 runners in the 10K Great Manchester Run we provides a 20 strong volunteer water station.

Why not run for us? To find out more contact us or go to their site here.

9th May 2012 Babel production, London

MaK visits our partner Wildworks production of Babel, Caledonian Park, London.

Fazli Blakçori is involved in one of the workshops leading up to this production in April. The two week workshop is in London and he will be working closely with Wildworks and the local community.

Why not join us? Find out more and buy tickets here.

MaK is a registered charity in England and Wales (Registered Charity No.1087178)
MaK is the working name of Manchester Aid to Kosovo (also known as MAK)
Designed by Jehona Bogujevci Graphic Designer, Manchester
Made by Rachael Kearney Web Designer, Manchester