In Memoriam
In Memoriam




Remember and honour a loved one with a living memorial. Support a struggling community. Here a tree is dedicated to *Nicholas Hinton CBE, President of the International Crisis Group, who died in 1997 whilst working for peace in the Balkans.

Like Deborah, Josie  and many others, your dedication will help create the Manchester Peace Park, MaK’s lead project. The 23 acre park is next to schools and housing and is used by all age groups in a municipality of 130,000 people.

Please contact MaK to find out more,  donate here or create your own Just Giving In Memoriam page.


Make an In Memory page JustGiving


 * Baroness Shirley Williams – Hinton Lecture 2011


MaK is a registered charity in England and Wales (Registered Charity No.1087178)
MaK is the working name of Manchester Aid to Kosovo (also known as MAK)
Designed by Jehona Bogujevci Graphic Designer, Manchester
Made by Rachael Kearney Web Designer, Manchester