What we support
What we support


MaK champions the community we work in to thrive, be more robust, inclusive and to tackle the issues that matter to it.


We help to relieve poverty, sickness and distress in Kosovo. To achieve the greatest impact, we work on three interlinking fronts:

  • Providing opportunities for young people and adults in Kosovo to learn new skills.
  • Providing resources and developing programmes to address emerging needs.
  • Developing partnerships with organizations in the UK and Kosovo with similar objectives.


MaK works in the following areas:

  • Education
  • Construction of the Manchester Peace Park
  • Art and Music
  • Promoting justice and equality
  • Collecting and Distributing Aid
  • Family support
  • Women’s business initiatives
  • Sport


Manchester Aid to Kosovo (MaK) was founded in 1999 by concerned citizens in Manchester, England, as an emergency response to escalating ethnic cleansing in Kosovo.  MaK sent over 1,000 tons of aid to the region and supported refugees, many of whom had experienced the death or disappearance of family members.

Child survivors have spoken widely in schools and churches, and their experiences are shared in a daily presentation in the Imperial War Museum North, ‘Children and War’.  Their healing was aided by skilful surgery, loving support from the community, and rest and recuperation in the parks and gardens of Manchester. The children decided to create the Manchester Peace Park in their home town, Podujevë, Kosova  in honour of the care and love they received from the people of Manchester. This has become our lead project.

In October 2004 we planted 13,000 bulbs on the Manchester Peace Park site. With each bulb we planted the prayers and wishes of the community. The land has been drained and seeded and a Peace Garden has been planted with over a thousand trees and shrubs. Children’s play areas have been created, a meeting and performance arena paved, paths improved, a trim trail constructed, art flags and sculpture installed, bridges built over a small stream, and football posts erected.

MaK’s partner, the Municipality of Podujeve, has installed seats and bins and widened and paved paths.

MaK has two staff in Kosovo in addition to a voluntary MaK co-ordinator/representative in Kosovo.

MaK’s other projects have evolved due to the circumstances of evacuated refugees in Manchester and our increasing awareness of acute need in Podujeva and other regions in Kosova.



For every £1 you give 93p is spent on MaK projects. 2p is spent on administration and 5p spent to create future income.

MaK is a registered charity in England and Wales (Registered Charity No.1087178)
MaK is the working name of Manchester Aid to Kosovo (also known as MAK)
Designed by Jehona Bogujevci Graphic Designer, Manchester
Made by Rachael Kearney Web Designer, Manchester